‘Clara supposed that she only felt confusion because Will had seemed to be as incapable of true love and ardor as herself.’.‘Naturally, her coolness served only to intensify his ardour, but it was two years before she capitulated.’.‘Though young when he wrote them, they bespeak a mature understanding of genuine piety - and the way such piety should be evident in all of life, and pursued with ardour and zeal.’.‘He had been a painter all his life, but never before had he seen such a vision or painted with such ardor and desire.’.‘He listened gravely and spoke in measured tones, but still fired with habitual martial ardour.’.‘My ardour totally dampened as I remembered the warnings of that day's front page.’.‘It would effectively rouse people's ardour to invest, and help to discourage the transfer of capital abroad.’.‘How nice for him that he can play note perfectly, even if it is at the expense of fantasy, passion, ardor, elegance, whimsy, fire and intensity.’.‘Firm action by the army dampened the revolutionary ardour of the mob and restored order in the streets.’.‘Perhaps we have had too little of the Spirit's fullness to enable us to love with the personal ardor Jesus desires.’.‘Love, lust and passion, ardour, hate and jealousy combine to make Othello one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies.’.

‘He turned to her, that same passion, desire, ardor, zeal, fire… love in his eyes.’.‘he kissed her with an ardour that left her breathless’.